"Sometimes you've got to believe in someone else's belief in you until your belief kicks in." -Les Brown
Almost immediately after debuting the line, I received a request from an amazingly talented artist, who I have the extreme privilege of calling a friend, to submit a piece. Needless to say, the phrase "over the moon" didn't quite describe the feelings of sheer joy & accomplishment I felt. Of course I said yes!
The artist is Cheryl Stevenson & you can find more of her amazing work on her website: http://cherylstevenson.blogspot.com/
Rather than dragging on about how overjoyed I was to have even inspired one person, I will post a snippet (below) of the private message conversation that took place between us. Hopefully, just reading this small piece will be enough to help you understand why, even a few months later, this wonderful woman's words make my eyes tear up.
"My dear sweet lady, I REALLY like you AND I believe in you as an artist!"
But now you know & as I am oh so fond of quoting to my children....
"Knowing is half the battle. G.I. Joe....."
Don't forget to check out Cheryl's website & be inspired by her work. I know I am!
P.S. A big mahalo shout out to my friend George for being an awesome editor!