Actually, the bench is on the north side of my yard in this pic. Under my arctic willow bushes (named Talkeetna & Denali after two of my favorite places in Alaska). In the area where the grass does not want to grow because of the shade & slight inversion that causes the water from the sprinklers to pool & flood.
I'd love to keep the bench here. It is a beautiful spot in my opinion & in the summer when it's hot, this area is cooler than the rest of the yard. I can imagine sitting there reading a book or pulling the leaves off willow branches to make wreaths.
The only drawback is that my neighbors' dogs don't like it when I hang out on that side of the yard. They think I'm invading their territory. Silly doggies!
You see, in my house there are two types of alone.
There is alone (uh-lone) like when I go to the bathroom (other moms will know what I mean here) & there is ALWAYS a knock on the door followed usually by the phrase " you know where...". The alone that has my CoW door closed because I AM WRITING A BLOG POST & can't concentrate because they keep opening the door.
Then there is the alone (aaaahhhh-lone) like when I started this post. No other human beings in the house. (The Stork has since come home & I am now experiencing the first type.) The alone that has me dancing & singing in my underwear `a la Tom Cruise in 'Risky Business'. The alone that most parents yearn for when their children become teenagers. You know, ALONE ALONE.
I don't know about you, but I find myself able to create so much more when I'm experiencing the latter. Which is ironic, in my opinion, because I actually do not like to spend too much time alone. It's not that I don't like the company mind you, I am after all my favorite date.
I just don't like to be without other people. Which is also strange when you consider I don't really like large groups. Crowds? Forget about it, I'd rather have blood drawn.
Well, I am currently working on about twelve different projects & can't for the life of me seem to remember how I planned on each one to play out. I hate it when I'm on a roll & I get interrupted (because I'm uh-lone) then can't remember where I was going with whatever it was I was doing.
You may or may not have guessed that this happens a lot when I blog.
So which type of alone fuels your creativity more?
Aloha hugs,