Are you ready?
Now for #2.
This piece was inspired by a (not surprisingly) large number of my friends who are/have been going through tough times. I have been watching, encouraging, supporting, loving them & their courage, strength & ability to create beauty out of sadness, frustration & disappointment has filled me with such admiration. These women have been through things that would destroy lesser people, but have managed to find brightness, joy & love in their darknesses. Even if it was just a soap bubble.
This piece is my tribute to them.
I won't preach or force you to look, you have to do that for yourselves. Please just know that art is an important part of our culture, no matter where you live.
It is essential to the survival of our customs, our traditions & for some of us, our souls. Art is/can be an expression of our feelings, our thoughts, our beliefs, our dreams. To some of us, art is life. It is how we share our souls with the universe, with the hope that even one person will see our soul & be changed.
I apologize to those of you who don't get it, not everyone does. It's an artist thing.
Until next time gang...