I'm not generally one that is prone to depression, but I kinda think that's a bit of what has been happening lately.
You see, the joy & excitement of having my father move in state, was replaced by sadness in the fact that my mother-in-law is moving out of state. It is something that none of us ever expected, as the whole reason she moved here was because we were never (planning) on leaving the state.
Unfortunately, due to things & you know, life, she has decided to move to Texas. She'll be totally fine, as she'll be living with & helping out my brother & sister-in-law & their girls. It really is a good thing; an exciting new chapter for everyone.
It just kinda caught me by surprise, even though I kinda sorta had a feeling before it became official. And it has thrown me into this darkish apathy filled funk. I recognize that I am stuck in said funk, yet don't really know how/care to try to climb my way out. I don't like it.
I have created a few new pieces, which I will hopefully be adding to the website soon. Honestly though, I really feel like I've lost my creative juices & can't bring myself to go to the store & get more. Figuratively speaking of course.
I've never been good at self motivation & am currently en robed in a defeatist attitude towards my art & making this a via source of income/inspiration. Self-doubt has taken over & the little people (in my brain) that usually fight it off have either gone on strike or taken an extended vacation.
Anyway, I'm still here. Still trying to figure out exactly how to get myself into a regular, steadfast, honest to goodness routine of being present both here & on facebook.
Please be patient with me & know that I fully intend to get back to as close to the other me as possible. After all, my poultry have decided to go back to playing football & the Squab has many various projects in the works as well.
So until later my lovelies, blow bubbles.
Aloha hugs,