Confused? Welcome to my world.
Just kidding. I'm referring to the fact that as a teenager, I walked around thinking I knew everything. I mean, realistically I knew I didn't really know squat, but I had the attitude. Remember the attitude?
I had almost forgotten it. Then my boys became teens. Yup, there it is! Hello sarcastic, barely tolerating your parents, too important to be doing menial tasks (such as litter box duty), knowing more than adults attitude! I've missed you!
Still here I am, oh so many years later & do I really know anything? Nope, not a clue. Well, I know how to pay bills now & work for little money for other people in order to support miniature (albeit different gendered) versions of myself. **Oh wait! That last part is actually a good thing, because despite their incredible similarity to yours truly, they're infinitely more awesome.**
But I really don't feel like I know anything more than I did back then. In fact, I think I might actually know less. Because back then, I knew the how's, where's & why's of it all & now, I'm lucky to know where my socks are. (Incidentally, I only need to know this when the weather gets below 60, so I mostly keep them in my sock drawer, which if I remember correctly is in my dresser.)
*****Sorry, I know this became a long-winded thing. I really appreciate you sticking with me on this one. Honestly, I'm kinda letting my fingers type, while I cross my ankles hoping this makes at least a tiny bit of sense in the end. Again, so sorry. Want to run & check your sanity?*****
Anyway, now that I've not just derailed the train, but completely lost the state that I was in (I think it was North Dakota), I'll wrap it up with this.
Life is just one big lesson. Everything we do, all those experiences, are just the universe's way of teaching us something new in every possible way it can.
We may think we know everything there is to know about everything, but we're wrong. The universe is chaos, constant change, evolution. In other words, the universe is a teenage girl's mood swings. (Sorry teenage girls, but it's true.)
Our job in the grand scheme of things, is to just let life happen. There is a plan. It may be like a "Clare plan" (which basically starts like "I'll use blue!") but there's a plan. Our part is to learn as much as we can & not take any of it for granted. Because it can all change in an instant.
*****Geez I hope that makes sense to someone, because my fingers are tired & sore & I honestly have no idea if I make sense when I write my name.*****
Okay, aloha hugs until later gang,