Does this ever happen to any of you? Seriously, I occasionally get concerned because I feel like people who don't really know me (& even some of those who do) might think I don't care about the conversation.
I don't think it's attention deficit, so much as it's a case of a steam engine on solar powered tracks. Well, in my case it's be a bubble headed engine on electric tracks. You know what I mean. (Actually if you do, welcome aboard! Sit back, relax & enjoy the scenery, because I can promise you'll never see anything like it on any other railroad.)
Anyway, when I started writing this post THREE DAYS AGO, it was about something completely different. (Don't ask what, because half way through the second paragraph I forgot what it was & even rereading what I'd written didn't help.) I've rewritten it several times & finally decided to write about the fact that I really don't know what I'm writing about. Works doesn't it?
Well, now you know one of my not so well kept secrets (as I'm sure anyone reading any of my blog posts could have discerned quite easily that I'm off not just my rocker, but everyone else's as well) I hope you will forgive me in the future for riding a pony on the train tracks. Just go with it & you might actually have as much fun as I do.