Also, much to the surprise of the parental units (aka the Stork & I) the Squab is in Honors Chemistry this year. He came home happy yesterday because he has the opportunity to participate in the "Concurrent Credit" program at school. This means that he can earn college credit for taking Honors Chem this year. **Wow**
In other big news...
I killed a spider!
Trust me, this is a big deal for me. I don't do spiders, not even lil' baby ones the size of a pin head. (Which is why I was able to kill this one.) Believe me when I tell you, this one actually was threatening public safety, as he was climbing all over the windshield of my bird mobile (aka the van) while I was driving. Seriously, the last thing anyone needed was that lil' guy to swing into my face causing me to freak & swerve into oncoming traffic.
Honestly, they terrify me. Really, I'm still traumatized almost thirty minutes later. Call me ridiculous & over-dramatic if you will, but unless you have an irrational fear of something that you can rationally overpower, you'll never understand.
Anyway, below is a dramatization of how I TRIUMPHANTLY killed the spider that threatened to attack me while I was driving. (As a bonus for you, I added a pic of the spider pre-murder.) Bless The Google Earth for having accurate images of this event.
Aloha hugs,