So far we're all surviving. Both boys had "meh" kind of days yesterday. They're both at a new school, so we are all expecting a natural period of adjustment. (The Squab decided to transfer to a school that isn't as overcrowded as the last & the possibility of actually have staff that will care enough to give him extra help is greater. The Chicken transferred for basically the same reasons, but also because that is where his brother is.)
I did pretty good myself; I can count the number of times I cried from missing them on one hand. I can't say that I wasn't worried about them, especially the Chicken; freshman year is hard., but when I found out that the Squab took his brother for ice cream after school ("because freshman") I felt reassured that I don't have to worry as much. As much.
So day two & both boys made it out the door on time, with little struggle. I unfortunately woke up with a very bad, very strange headache. I think I might have been sleep stressing again. A few hours (read:most of the day so far) of rest (because I could not fall back asleep) & some meds are watching it slowly march out of here. Unfortunately this means I have not been able to accomplish much of what I wanted for the day.
Still, surviving the first two days so far is a good thing & I'll call it a win for us. I just hope that the week gets better for both boys & that we can all transition back into the school routine as smoothly as possible, because next week the Stork's work schedule changes. This will mean earlier bed times for him & earlier wake times for both of us.
Hope you are all having a good week. Oh yeah, if you don't mind, please take a minute to send some strength & positive thoughts to my girl Janelle over at Hands and Harts & her ohana. They are in the middle of major geographical & lifestyle changes as they move from Michigan to Alaska. (Send them hug filled bubbles too if you can.)
Well gang, I'm going to go do something domestical (read: I need to get something out for dinner or we'll starve!). Have a spectacular rest of the day & I'll ramble at you later.