For instance, I started a new wreath a few days ago, which I had high hopes for. Unfortunately, I decided to use a new type of foam form for it. Not exactly what I have worked with before & not something I am 100% certain I will use again.
Anyway, I have been having problems with getting this wreath/form to stay shaped the way that I want it to. It is to be another yarn wreath & of course I started having problems with the yarn once I figured out how to make the form work for me. I was more than three- quarters of the way done with it & becoming increasingly more pleased with it when I put it down Friday evening.
Well, I lost yesterday to one of those nasty beasties that many of us suffer from these days. Yes, I'm talking about migraines. They suck & we hate them, but not many of us have been able to tame them. So I spent my yesterday being miserable & really barely accomplishing getting dressed. I did manage, with my hubby's help, to make dinner. It was one of our ohana's (family's) favorite meals & I have been craving it for a few weeks now.
Oops! Caught myself starting to ramble. Alright, back to the story!
When I walked into my craftroom/office, also known as "The Cave of Wonder", henceforth to be referred to as the CoW, this morning, the first thing I did was utter a very loud "Grrrrrrrrrr!" Why? Well, the wreath form started to come apart. It was sliding out of the fastener (aka duct tape) I had used.
Of course you know this means I have to completely unravel it & start over. Luckily for me, this tends to be a regular part of my creative process. So, after taking a short break to brew myself a cuppa tea, I came back to start over.
Which is why I'm sitting here attempting to write an interesting blog post. Because I am procrastinating. Because part of my creative process is to become distracted & work on other projects while the tiny little cobbler in the tiny little back room in the very backest part of the crazy labyrinth that is my mind tries to come up with a better way to make that wreath. He will, at some point, get up & have a french fry break with the ogre that runs the random machine in the middle of the upper level, but that won't last long, because they can't agree on the amount of salt to add to the fries. No, they have never thought of dividing the fries onto two plates, they don't think that way.
Anyway, that's pretty much the point. I think. Was there a point? I don't remember. Maybe?
Either way, you have now wasted at least (hopefully) two full minutes of your day & have become at least partially distracted from whatever was stressing you before. Unless of course no one but me is reading this. In that case, I have just spent a full half hour attempting to entertain myself. Which is time well spent, because not only am I easily entertained, I am also easily distracted by ooh dust particles....