“Only through art can we emerge from ourselves and know what another person sees” - Marcel Proust
So, this blogging thing does not come easy for me. Even as A child I was not very good at keeping a journal.
Only once, in college, was I ever able to commit to regular writing & that was because I had decided to spend an entire month writing a letter to one of my best friends. And I only decided to do that, because I wanted to prove to myself that I could keep myself interested enough in myself to fill more than a two page letter. If I remember correctly, my thought was that if I could keep myself interested, as I have always found me to be quite boring, then my friend would not be bored either. Confounded thinking I know, but welcome to my brain. Needless to say, I forced myself to add to this letter every day & at the end of the month, my friend had thirty plus pages & I haven't put myself through that again.
I'm rambling, sorry. I tend to do that, as my thoughts (please for give the analogy) are like wild mustangs that occasionally stop at the fence to let you look at them. Or in my case, make semi-coherent sense of them.
(Realizes you're screaming "Get to the point!") Sorry again. Um, my point. Yes, my point. I had one here somewhere. I was heading toward it & then the door to responsibilityland opened & reality asked me to make dinner. That's right, my point snuck out of the room when the door opened.
Okay, I'll let you off the hook. My point was, that I am hoping to be able to keep up with this blog thing as often as possible. I honestly don't know what I'll write about, as I always seem to run out of things other people want to hear. I may just end up telling you about projects I'm working on. If I can get over myself long enough to play nice, I may recruit one of the recruits to help me do tutorials. Or I may just say hello.
For everyone's sake, I hope I can keep it interesting & fun. Until next time my pretties...
Oops! I almost forgot! Please go to Janelle's blog & wish her a Happy Birthday because she is awesome & so are you! (Just click this phrase)