But seriously, I've been fighting the allergy monsters a lot the last few months & this past week they invited their good pal migraine to visit. Normally I'm all for visitors, I love visitors. Especially when I'm grumpy because it forces me to remember that I am in fact, not the center of the rainbow bubble that I call my universe. But these visitors are unwelcome, unpleasant, unwanted, unfriendly, un-nice (I made that a word) & unrelenting in their willingness to leave me the f*k (sorry Mum) alone. Which makes migraine's visit even worse.
****** I promise I did not intend this to be a rambly tangent when I started. Apologizing now as I have realized that it is indeed going to be rambly.********
Anyway, migraine + allergies + teenagers + teenagers are boys + their father is also a boy + cats have fur = me being miserable + not sleeping well (in a room the cats are not allowed to enter) + becoming irritable + trying to function normally anyway + meds don't really help = the knot in between my shoulder blades gets bigger, the muscles in my neck & shoulders tense (making migraine worse) & I end up sitting or sleeping wrong & aggravate the pinched nerve that loves a good party.
So yeah, blogging, adulting, functioning, etc have not been much fun. But I'm still doing it, because I am A) a glutton for punishment B) a mom & therefore inherently not allowed to be down at any time & 354) totally trying to not give into the yuck & melancholy that threaten me.
Okay, now for a bunch of random quotey pics from The Google & Pinterest because I do not want to leave you depressed, but rather thinking...huh?