Well, you are wrong. This time. *winks knowingly*
I actually wanted to share a bit with you. A bit about what I have been doing to bring myself out of this forever long slump I've been in. Hence the title of this post: nudging.
Yep, I've been giving myself little nudges toward creativity. I'm not able to do long periods of time yet, because I'm just not. I am however forcing myself to do at least ten minutes each day of some kind of creative work in the CoW (Cave of Wonder for those who've forgotten aka the former office or fourth bedroom if you chose to not acknowledge that I am an art supply hoarder).
I'm not happy about it, but it is what I can manage right now. I've been trying, in my mind, to come up with solutions/ways to finish, the projects I have already started. So far I've finished one & made progress on two others.
I still have about a dozen half started/half finished projects to work on, but I've made progress. It's maddening.
The thing is, I know that there are blog posts & articles out there on how to break out of this kind of creative funk; there are an untold number of artists & friends that I can turn to for advice. But have I done that? Have I read anything or talked to anyone? No, of course not.
You see, we artists are fickle creatures. Yes, I am now officially calling myself an artist, full time. I have a wonderful barista the Squab & I affectionately call "Music Boy" to thank for that.
Anyway, we each handle blocks/stressors/haters/doubt/etc in our own way. (Everyone actually is different, but artists like to think their plight is unique to their kind. Humor me.)
My way is whatever works. Unfortunately right now, seeking help is not on the list of what I'm willing to do to fix this. Silly I know, but trust me when I tell you that I can already feel my mind wandering to colored sugar crystals just typing about it. Just not in the right frame of mind for it.
So I'm nudging. Forcing myself to do a few minutes each day. Forcing myself to start, delete, restart, re-delete & restart blog posts. Forcing myself to do the same with projects.
I'll get there eventually. It might take longer than I want, but if there is one thing I've learned about myself, it's that if I'm "not feeling it" then there is no point pushing. I need to find it on my own, in my own time.
I thank you from the bottom of my aloha filled heart for your continued support. I promise, I'll get back on the creative unicorn, someday. Hopefully soon.
Aloha hugs,