I am not defined by the number of awards I have received or the total sum of the money I posses. I gain nothing by demeaning someone because they have or have done less than me. Nor do I measure any of my fellow earth dwellers by the size of their diamonds or the size of their homes.
I do not believe that material things alone bring happiness.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that happiness cannot be achieved with all of the fancy things. I'll be the first to admit that my air conditioning unit makes me happy, less cranky. (As does CAWFEE, bubbles & hugs.)
What I am saying, is that even a person who has none of the material trappings which main stream society deems "important" can still be happy & successful.
Many times I have encountered individuals who will instantly look dismiss me the minute they learn that I do not have a college degree. Or turn their noses up at me when I pull up in my dirty, (teenager abused) old minivan.
I have been told, many times that because I do not have a traditional job (blech!), earn a regular (or any kind of) paycheck, that I am not successful. That because I still don't know what I want to be when I "grow up" (what is so wrong with Toys R Us kid?), that I am scatter brained & lack ambition or drive. That I can never consider myself a success because I don't have that expensive piece of paper saying I drove myself into debt for an education I wasn't ready for.
What I have never heard, except from myself, is that I am successful.
I am a relatively intelligent (I can use the cawfee maker unsupervised) woman. I have accepted who I was, acknowledged who I am, realized who I want to be & am working to better myself every day.
I have friends, who while not necessarily living in the same state or in some instances the same country, love, support & cheer me on at all times. I have family, both inherited & chosen, who will comfort me & make me laugh when I need it.
I have people who love & accept me unconditionally. I am able to give love, laughter, support, tears, encouragement & praise in a never ending flow of bubbles & hugs. This to me is the true measure of success.
Btw, didja notice the new cover pic for the blog page? It's the finished project from one of my previous posts. Told ya I'd post a pic.
Until later m'luvs...Aloha hugs,