Laugh if you want, but for some people out there this is actually a major accomplishment. I just happen to like bragging about/praising my boys, no matter how small their successes, because I think every success is a cause for ce lebration.
Just because you don't see something as a success/cause for celebration, doesn't mean it isn't. After all, that ant that you managed, however inadvertently, to not step on this morning, has reason to celebrate still being alive, however long it may be.
My point is (yes, I have one, it isn't that sharp & it didn't take me that long to get to it) that life like art is subjective. The appeal or disgust varies depending on who is looking at it. Or if you prefer, "one man's trash is another man's treasure", "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", "whatever floats your boat".
So I'll leave you to ponder the things that you are pondering. The Stork decided he wanted to pick dinner up on the way home from work, so I think I'll go enjoy not having to cook dinner.
Aloha hugs until next time m'luvs,