You see, the Stork is at work, & the Squab took the Chicken & some friends to Fandemonium. You know what that means don't you?
MOMMY'S GOT THE HOUSE TO HERSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for yelling, it's just so exciting. It's been a few millennium since I've had the entire house to myself. Okay, maybe it's only been a few months or so, but still. Alone. No other humans in the entire building. If you live with people, you'll understand what I'm talking about.
It isn't that I dislike my family, I just like to be able to go to the bathroom & not have someone stand outside the door asking questions & pestering me. Or constantly interrupting when I'm working in the CoW with the door closed. I mean, right now I'm in the CoW with the door opened & have not had to stop writing for FIVE WHOLE BLISSFULLY UNINTERRUPTED MINUTES. Get it?
So I was wondering, when you guys do get that however rare moment of time to yourself, what do you do with it? Nothing dirty or silly please, as this is a family show & I don't want my weirdo license taken away for indecency.
Personally, I have been doing most of the usual. Never-ending laundry, dusting, vacuuming, kitchen cleaning, going to the bathroom alone.... But I've also been doing other things, like working, semi-guiltily sneaking an ice cream cone (btw, have any of you tried the S'mores flavored Drumsticks from Nestle? So yum.), contemplating a nap....
Okay, now that I've shared my joy for the day, it's time for you to spill. What do you do?
Aloha hugs,