It is always nice to hear someone genuinely say that they believe in you. I don't care who you are or how secure you may feel in your convictions, when someone tells you they believe in you, it's like getting a power boost in a video game. Like when PacMan would eat the power pellet & suddenly turn the tables on those pesky ghosts, chasing them all over & gobbling them up.
It's like, you can take on the world. Even if it's only for a moment.
Well like I said before, people probably don't say it enough, to anyone. I think we should change that, don't you? Yeah, let's give it a shot. Are you with me? How about I start?
I believe that you have the power to change things for the better. I believe in your ability to make someone else feel loved, needed & more than capable of accomplishing great things. I believe that you are amazing. I believe that you are a loving, spectacular being & that you too have the capability, the potential for infinite greatness.
I believe in you.